How to launch A/B test on PHP in 5 minutes?
The ABRouter is an open-source, developer-oriented tool for implementing managed A/B tests with high-level PHP support.
The service providing a clear web interface to manage experiments, powerful API to run and track results of the tests in your PHP application.
Installing via composer package for Laravel.
Please, checkout out package GitHub Repository.
Takes minutes to start your first A/B test.
Additionally, we have the packages for Symfony and Laravel:
Symfony Guide
Laravel guide
Start for free
Why do we need A/B tests?
Real world example: you have a two implementations of free trials on your website. In the first case, you require a card number to sign up, and for the second your user can proceed to the platform without the card. What is the best choice in that case?
AB test with two branches can show you the right answer. Your decision will be based on the number of completed sign-ups and the final number of the paid users in these branches.

Our first task with A/B test
Creating first A/B test on ABR side

Application side | start coding
composer require abrouter/abrouter-php-client
You're don't need to implement it on your own
Because we already did it in a perfect way in ABRouter open-source platform for A/B testing and feature flags!

Start tracking your A/B test
I show you how to implement an A/B test on PHP via ABRouter. Looks like it's quite simple.
Please, remember, that every change that you are making to the app should be through an A/B test.
It's a key to build a successful product.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at or via green "Ask Us" button here.